Healthy Marriage Weight Loss Program TM



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Section 3 of Session 1

Eat Smaller Portion Sizes

You can still eat all the food you have loved your entire life. You just need to eat less of it if you want to lose weight.

Won't you always feel hungry if you decrease your portion sizes? You don't need to feel hungry when you cut your portion sizes!!! How can you not feel hungry if you cut your portion sizes?

Drink more water!!!!

Water is a great appetite suppressant. Drink at least a cup or two of water before meals and snacks. If you are still hungry after you have eaten your smaller portion sizes then drink more water.

If you are thirsty you should only drink water. Once you are no longer thirsty is the time to drink liquid calories such as juice, soda, etc. Use a four ounce glass and by sipping from it you can enjoy the flavor of your beverage longer then someone with a larger glass.

4 ounce 8 ounce

The third tip for this session is:

Fill up on low calorie/fat foods

Eat low calorie/fat foods at the beginning of your meal when you are hungry. These include whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.

Most people eat quickly when they are hungry and don't take the time to fully experience and enjoy the flavor of the food. At the end of your meal is the time to eat the high calorie/fat foods in smaller portion sizes.

You will be able to take smaller bites, chew longer and savor the flavor.

In each of the other 7 sessions we will be teaching additional tips to decrease the number of calories going into your body.

Counting Calories?

As you have just learned if you want to lose weight, the number of calories going into your body must be less than the number of calories your body uses each day.

Who loves taking the time to count exactly how many calories you eat everyday? Are you honestly going to be able to count calories for the rest of your life? No! You don't need to count calories to decrease the number of calories going into your body!

However, there is one exception to counting calories. You must eat a bare minimum of around 1200 calories a day. You should only drop below 1200 calories a day under a doctors direct supervision. Dropping below 1200 calories a day could do more harm to your body than good. When you don't eat enough calories your body can turn to muscle tissue to meet its calorie needs. As we have learned this can lead to death.

How do know you are sufficiently decreasing the number of calories with out counting calories each day?

You know how much you normally eat. If you have been gaining weight each week, then cut your portion sizes at least in half. If you aren't currently gaining weight, then cut your portion sizes by by 1/3 to ½. Try this for one week. If you haven't lost any weight, then further decrease your portion sizes. If you have lost more than 2 pounds then increase your portion sizes until you are losing around 2 pounds a week.

The key to losing unhealthy fat is:.

Decrease your portion sizes until you are losing around 2lbs a week.

You don't need to give up anything you love to eat!!! Simply eat the higher calorie/higher fat foods in smaller portion sizes.

You might start losing more than 2 pounds a week. As exciting and tempting as it it may be to get quick results, you need to increase your calorie intake until you are losing only 2 pounds a week. 2 pounds a week may not seem like much but in 6 months you will have lost almost 50 pounds of unhealthy fat and in one year you will have lost over 100 pounds of unhealthy fat.

Once you reach a healthy weight, increase your portion sizes to the point where you are no longer losing weight.

If you are interested in learning about approximate balanced portion sizes for your body, go to the US government website at

Don't forget the keys to healthy weight loss:

1.Decrease your portion sizes until the number of calories going into your body is less than the number of calories your body uses each day.
2.Only decrease your portion sizes until you lose no more than 2 pounds of fat a week.
3. Exercise your muscles enough so you aren't losing muscle mass.
4.Increase the number of calories your body uses each day.

In session number two we will teach you simple exercises you can do anywhere, anytime to increase the number of calories you use each day

Click here for section 4 of session 1.

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