Why is it important to spend time and effort on improving yourself? Improving yourself
is one of the keys to unlocking the door to a healthier, happier life. If you need proof then try what you are
about to learn for one month. Rate yourself right now on a scale of 1-10 of how satisfied and happy are you with
yourself. Rate yourself one month from now and compare the results.
If you want to live a healthy and happy life, then work each day on becoming a
better person than you were the day before. It is much easier to work on becoming a better person when you feel
good about who you are today.
If you are hoping you will feel better about yourself by losing weight, you won't
be disappointed. As you lose weight, people will tell you how great you look. Each time you are complimented, you
will feel great! Each time you look in the mirror and notice the results, you will feel the same way.
Unfortunately, this feeling is temporary and will leave you hungry to feel it again.
It's similar to the things you do to feel pleasure. They feel great while you are doing them but the feeling doesn't
last long and the next time it takes even more to attain that same level of pleasure. The key is not to become
addicted to this feeling and allow it to influence how you live your life.
Allowing external influences to determine how you feel about yourself is dangerous.
This can lead to eating disorders, guilt, emotional pain, weight gain and the weakening of your marriage.
If you want to be happy and healthy, the long-term solution is to strengthen your
sense of self-worth. Self-worth is built by becoming a better person than you were the day before.
Set aside a block of time each day to reflect on how you are doing and what you
can do to improve.
The first step to implementing this principle is to write it down as a goal and
then create a plan on how you are going to live it.
To help you with this process we have created a worksheet you can fill out called
My Daily Improvement Plan. Click here to print it and then take the time to fill it out.
Congratulations you have just completed the first session of the Healthy Marriage Weight Loss Program. If you would
like to be notified as soon as the second session is available online please email notifyme@healthymarriage.org
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you when a new session of the Healthy Marriage Weight Loss Program is available. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
We will never rent, sell, or give away your email address.
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